
 Pyramids history 

 While ignorant and fanciful superstitions concerning the Egyptian pyramids have circulated in European culture since the Renaissance, the pseudoscience known as pyramid power dates fairly precisely from 1970 and the publication of Psychic Discoveries B ehind the Iron Curtain, by two reporters for the National Inquirer tabloid, Ostrander and Schroeder. This paperback contains the story of Antoine Bovis, a French occultist who in the 1930s decided that the true purpose of the Egyptian pyramids was to convert the corpse of the king sealed within into a mummy. Bovis built small pyramids of plywood in Nice, France, and claimed to have used them to “mummify” various pets. The story continued on to 1959 when Czech occultist Karel Drbal patented the “Cheops Pyramid Razor-Blade Sharpener.” This was a tiny cardboard pyramid; when the standard double-edged razor blade of the day was placed in the proper position within the pyramid after each use, it was possible to get many more shaves from the blade than “usual.”

Once US New Agers were unleashed onto the topic, claims of pyramid power wonders expanded without limit— pyramids could purify or “sanctify” drinking water; polish jewelry and tablewear; make plants grow faster and larger; keep cookies and cake fresher; preserve vegetables and other perishable foods; speed healing and maintain “wellness;” aid meditation and relaxation; increase effects and enjoyment of wine and drugs; increase psychic ability, spiritual development, intuition and mastery of esoteric occult concepts; increase enjoyment of sex; stimulate graphic and colorful dreams; and so on, and on. A large number of books proclaiming the dazzling promise of pyramid technology appeared during the 1970s, although strangely the fad became almost extinct within a decade, being replaced by similar bizarre claims about quartz and other natural crystals.

It is amusing to read and compare the many books published on pyramid power during the 1970s, since they so perfectly display the symptoms of pseudoscience. Here are some of the features that are universally found. ↑ There are meaningless and arbitrary rules and rituals specified for getting the pyramid to “work.” Each book has different rules that often directly contradict those in other books— for example, align the sides of the pyramid with magnetic north— no, align the sides with geographic north. Keep the pyramid away from electronic equipment. No, always place the pyramid close to or on top of  electronic equipment. The rules for using the pyramid are actually parts of a magic ritual. ↑ There are no controls, comparisons or checks. Don't place some cookies in a cookie jar and others in a pyramid and compare their freshness over time. Just convince yourself that the cookies from the pyramid were better, somehow, than the cookies you had before you bought your pyramid. ↑ There are no quantitiative measurements, only subjective judgements. Aren't you getting more shaves from the blade kept under the pyramid you bought? No need to examine the blade under a microscope each day and take a reference photo! ↑ There is no underlying physical phenomenon uncovered or even of interest. If the pyramid were “focussing” something, as the books vaguely claim, then it is the something we should be studying, not the pyramid. ↑ The claims are not consistent with any physical process. Suppose the pyramid preserves organic matter, as the cookie and fruit and mummy claims indicate— but the reason a razor blade shaves less and less well with each use is that layers of skin cells and soap residue build up on the edge and do not rinse off. If the pyramid acted to preserve this organic matter, it should make the blade duller, not sharper! ↑ The pyramid shape is what is important. Pyramids can be made of any material from wood to brass to cardboard to coathanger wire. But the superficial shape of things is a concern only of voodoo, never of reality. Pyramid power claims have the classic form of subjective validation; users get the vague, unquantifiable result they are told to expect.

Quartz crystal balls have been associated with fortune telling at least since the reign of Queen  Elizabeth the first, and specifically her contemporary Dr. John Dee,  while superstitions and folklore about gems, precious and semi-precious stones are a familiar part of European culture from the Renaissance down to the present, but when in the 1980s pyramid power was challenged and defeated by crystal power, it seems to have been Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) who was mainly to blame. Cayce was probably the greatest of 20th Century occultists, and may well have thought of himself as a kind of successor to Madame H. P. Blavatsky, the unsung creator of the New Age. His day job was as a photographer, but from 1901 until his death he moonlighted as a “trance psychic,” modelling himself closely on a more obscure forerunner, Andrew Jackson Davis (1826 – 1910). Like Davis before him, Cayce “entered a trance,” which in practice meant just that he lay down on a sofa and shut his eyes. With his eyes shut he answered questions mailed in by paying customers, and a stenographer took down his words. Most of the questions seemed to involve medical problems, and at various times in his first decade of trance readings,  Cayce worked closely with an assistant who was a knowledgeable medical quack— an osteopath, or a homeopath.Ultimately Cayce gave somewhere between 15,000 and 30,000 “psychic life readings,” depending on who's counting, most of which are incoherent gibberish, but in vocabulary, if nowhere else, show the strong influence of osteopathy, folklore, folk remedies, Bible-belt Christianity, numerology, astrology, hillbilly superstition, and— most of all— Madam Blavatsky's Theosophy. Cayce's trance medical advice is exceedingly strange, including the directive to put more calcium in the diet by eating more lettuce, and to cure cancer with a daily glass of blackstrap molasses. A number of these readings do extoll the wonders of what Cayce called “rock crystal or any white [e.g., clear] stone,” by which he seems usually to have meant quartz and calcite. Cayce says these rocks somehow provide “those vibrations which are needed as helpful influences.” Under the influence of Madame Blavatsky's writings, Cayce tended to back up his exceedingly vague and contradictory claims about crystal uses with equally vague and contradictory references to the imaginary lost civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. Following the lead of Madame Blavatsky, Cayce psychically viewed the pyramids of Egypt being built, using magic, by Atlantian refugees; he was also very familiar with the delusionary extraction of prophecies from various random dimensions of the Cheops pyramid. Of course, thanks to extensive research by the great von Däniken, New Agers know today that the pyramids were built by space aliens! Cayce never mentioned any of that; maybe no one asked him. Two decades after his death, Cayce was marketed mainly as a prophet, although it is difficult to find in his tens of thousands of transcripts of gibberish anything that could by the wildest stretch of the imagination be considered a correct prediction. Two further decades later, Cayce was being marketed as a guru on anything and everything New Ageish.


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 Energy Pyramid

  Pyramid energy is known for many different effects that can produce. Learn how to use energy pyramid to sharpen razors, preserve food, purify water etc... 

First you need to construct your own energy pyramid. Use instructions of how to make pyramid. Once you build your energy pyramid you can start experimenting.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Sharpen Razor Blades. Dull razor can be sharpened by the use of the energy pyramid. The razor blade need to be placed under the energy pyramid oriented east-west. The pyramid needs to be oriented north-west. With right orientation the pyramid experiment gives the best results. Used razor can be sharpened under the energy pyramid and used over and over again.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Restoration of Lustre to Tarnished Jewelry.Energy pyramid can help to removal of tarnish to your jewelry. Keep the jewelry for few days under the energy pyramid. Remember to position your energy pyramid north-west. After treatment rub the jewelry for easy removal of tarnish cover.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Dehydrate Meat, Eggs and Other Food. You will quickly dehydrate food under the energy pyramid, without rotten or fungus development. Bacteria and fungus do not like the influence of energy pyramid. Ancient Egyptians even used the energy pyramid to mummify their dead.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Prevent Milk Souring. Fresh milk is souring quickly if it is not refrigerated. You can use energy pyramid in order to prevent souring. Bacteria that make milk souring are dormant under the influence of energy pyramid. Remember to position your energy pyramid properly.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Dehydrate Flowers. If you like dry flowers you can dehydrate it easily with use of energy pyramid. Just keep the flowers under the energy pyramids for several days.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Accelerate Plant Growth Rate. You can speed up the growth of your plants by keeping them under the energy pyramid. The effect of the energy pyramid will be more obvious if you put another plant nearby, outside of the field of energy pyramid. For this purpose it would be good to build larger scale copper energy pyramid and to place your plant within the energy pyramid.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Relaxation and Meditation. If you are practicing meditation and other relaxation exercises try to enhance the effect of the exercise by the use of energy pyramid. Pyramid will amplify your meditation efforts by putting your mind into the alpha and theta brain wave state, which corresponds to meditation state of mind.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Improve Taste of Food and Water. Keep the wine, water or any food under the energy pyramid for improvement of taste. Experiment with different types of food and beverages with different exposure time for best results.

 Energy Pyramid Use: Sitting and sleeping under the pyramid can have positive effect. Energy pyramid will give you deeper and relaxed sleep, with less sleeping time needed.  It is very likely that you will have vivid lucid dreams. You mind will be refreshed and more creative upon awaking. Some people use the energy pyramid while reading and studying for amplification of cognitive abilities.


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 Pyramid Energy Effects

   Dr Patrick G. Flanagan wrote a book called "Pyramid Power" and brought an interesting observation. While researching the origin of the word "Pyramid" he discovered that the word "Pyramid" is merged from two words – "Piros" and "Amid". Translating literally the Pyramid means "Fire in the Middle". This meaning is fully aligned with the effect of Pyramid Energy, since the strongest effect is created in pyramid's middle. It also gives us the clue, or even the proof, that the ancient builders of the pyramids were aware of fantastic energy that is created by pyramids.

The real nature of pyramid power is still unknown. The main reason is because pyramid energy can not be recorded by any instrument, despite the efforts of to build different antennas or receivers. Still many enthusiasts conducted thoroughly research and published many books on the subject of energy.

Les Brown was obsessed with positive use of pyramid energy for enhanced and massive food production. In his book "The Pyramid", published in 1978, he described different ways of enhanced production of food, as well as food preservation by 

Pyramid Energy Effects - Sharpening Razoruse of pyramid enetgy. In his book he explained different methods of food production with use of Pyramid Energy. He also gave instruction of building large scale power pyramids pyramids.  

In the 1975, independent researchers Bill Schull and Ed Pettit published  the book "The Secrets of Power of Pyramids". This book represents cumulative knowledge of pyramid powers. According the book, the seed placed in the power pyramid is behaving differently than the seed outside the pyramid. Plants grow much faster in the power pyramid than plants outside pyramids.

During the fifties, the Czech radio engineer Karel Drbal discovered that the blunt razor can be sharpened if it is left to the effects of Pyramid Energy. It seems that energy of pyramid is affecting the crystal structure of the steel and recovering the structure of atoms on original form.  

In the thirties French Andre Bovisse placed a dead cat in the 1 meter high pyramid. Surprisingly, the cat's body didn't decay over the time, but it was mummified instead. It seems that the bacteria can not decompose organic matter while it is exposed to energy of pyramid. The same thing happens with the food. Even after a longer period of time in the power pyramid, there is no sign of decomposition.

There are many claims that food and water left for some time under the influence of pyramid energy is being enriched and empowered. This food and water is having more healthy nutrition effect on human body than regular food.

There are many other examples of pyramid energy effects on living creatures, plants, objects or food. There must be even more positive effects of Pyramid Energy to be discovered. After all, try to build your own pyramid and discover some new and amazing effect of Pyramid Energy.  


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 The Golden Section - the power of the pyramid of Cheops

Unusual properties of the pyramids are set out in such a large volume of relevant publications, which of them could be built up much larger than the famous pyramids of Giza. Simple, harmonious, and at the same time, the mysterious form of these ancient structures are found on almost all continents of the Earth, and is especially surprising, not so long ago, an American research probe is conveyed to us their pictures from the surface of Mars.

The oldest in the land of the pyramids is the location of Tibet.

Around the sacred Mount Kailash, which is also its shape resembles a pyramid, is a complex of ancient monuments, pyramids. Their relative positions are so similar to the structure of the genetic code - the DNA molecule, which appeared about the involvement of this hypothesis, we created an unknown reason the complex, to the emergence of life on Earth.

In China is complex, similar to Tibetan, but the authorities limit access to this mysterious place.

In South America, is the sacred valley of the Incas, is also composed of a complex of temples and pyramids. Among the locals There is a legend that this complex was built in ancient times, skinned and blond people.

In the center of the famous Bermuda Triangle, on the seabed, discovered pyramid, surpassing its size Pyramid of Cheops. Its smooth, like a polished face, made of unknown material that resembles glass or ceramics.

Not long ago, in the Crimea found a set of 37 underground pyramids up to 45 meters. Their material is heterogeneous and consists of metal oxides and organic compounds. The Crimean group of researchers put forward the hypothesis that the function space of the pyramids, which play the role of special generators of torsion fields, the so-called generators of the form in which the torsion field is formed without rotation. As such, the pyramids serve as receiving - transmitting devices, connecting the bowels of the planet with the cosmos.

According to one hypothesis the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza Plateau, which include the most famous pyramid of Cheops was built more than 10,000 years ago, representatives of the legendary civilization of Atlantis. The civilization of Atlantis in many respects superior to our level of development, but they have not escaped the internal confrontation that caused a global catastrophe. As a result of this catastrophe of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Ancient Egypt, where the Atlanteans had their settlements on the eve of the catastrophe, was the site of construction of the giant pyramid-shaped structures. Atlanta was built with the expectation of transferring their huge knowledge about nature and the cosmos in the remote from them many thousands of years, the future. This knowledge is hidden in the geometry of the pyramids, their relative positions in those mysterious caves, which, with the help of an ultra-modern technology, discovered by Japanese researchers pyramids.

It was during our difficult time of change, mysterious emissaries seeking knowledge of the past have opened some of its secrets.

The most significant discovery was the fact of the presence in the geometry of the pyramid of Cheops principle of the Golden Section. This principle was first formulated by Euclid: the ratio of the whole to the greater part of it should be relative to the lower most part. If you divide a line segment into two unequal parts so that its length (a + b) related to the greater of (a) as part of this larger to the smaller (in), it will be a graphic representation of the principle of the Golden Section.

Golden Section is subject to the principle of everything connected with the natural systems - is the proportion of the human body, the structure of the genetic code - DNA and RNA molecules, are built on this principle, sound and color series, the system of chemical elements and periods of the planets in the solar system.

Anything that gives people a sense of harmony, founded on this "golden principle".

In the Great Pyramid Golden Section principle is reflected in a triangle cross-section along the symmetry axis in the vertical plane (Fig. 3)

                                 Figure 3
The amount of 2 equal sides of an isosceles triangle GCF refers to its base as well as the amount equal sides and equal to the sum of the base of the parties, ie:
This equality is possible only if the angle of inclination of the faces of the pyramid CFG is 53 degrees. This is the slope takes place in the pyramid of Cheops, which can be called a classic.

The pyramid was built on the principle of the Golden Section generates its particular form of the torsion field, which harmonizes the surrounding area, putting in order all that is within range of his influence. It is only a harmonious combination of the size of the base of the pyramid and its height allows it to more efficiently operate in the "Earth-Space," which will be discussed in the next chapter. Perhaps it is this factor explains the following, proven in practice, the properties of the pyramids:

- Neutralization of pathogenic harmful radiation zones.
With the help of the pyramids, choosing their height and relative position, can be neutralized or reduced to safe for human values, a dangerous influence of geopathic zones of both natural and manmade. Pyramids are used in open areas and in areas such as neytralitsazii geopathic zones in the apartment. It should be noted that the torsion field of the pyramid reaches a maximum when the orientation of its edges is strictly to the cardinal. Typically, using a compass, one of the faces of the pyramid are oriented toward the north.

- Save fuel in your car.

- Neutralization of harmful radiation machine, TV, electrical appliances.
Pictures of the human aura, exposed to these radiations, made with the help of special equipment before and after installation of the pyramid - the neutralizer actually show the restoration of the oppressed harmful radiations of aura sizes. Component studies showed a reduction up to standards safe for human overvalued background radiation area after installing it a pyramid-converter.

- General improvement of the human body.

Numerous examples from the literature to ascertain the facts Pyramidology allow the beneficial effect of the field on the human pyramid. Under its influence is significantly reduced duration of disease, stabilized by metabolic processes in the body is accelerated healing of wounds and fractures. Under the influence of the energy of the pyramids are killed viruses and bacteria, thereby preventing the spread of epidemics.

Of particular interest are the properties of water, charged in the upper third of the pyramid. It Rejuvenating effect on the human body, strengthens the immune system, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome.

Our countryman, the famous Egyptologist Saryatin Mikhail, who adopted the pen name ENEL, held in the 60s of last century a series of experiments with pyramids, identifying several types of radiation. One of them is that the researcher called a ray of "Pi" - destroys tumor cells and destroys microbes, the second ray of "Omega" - rejuvenates and heals the human body increases its immune properties.

This short list is far from exhausts the list of currently open amazing properties of pyramids. However, as the "exotic", it is worth mentioning about this, rather unusual property of the pyramid field as sharpening razor blades. This effect was discovered by a Czech engineer Karl Drablom in the middle of last century. During a trip to Egypt as a tourist, curious Czech noticed that after his visit to the pyramids of Cheops, blunt razor blade, happened to be in his pocket, regained its novelty. Intrigued by this effect, Drabl produced model of the pyramid and held a series of experiments showed that the greatest effect of sharpening the blade is at a height of 1/2 to 1/3 from the base of the pyramid. At the same face of the pyramid was oriented to the north and the tip placed in her razor - to the west. Subsequently, he patented his discovery.

However, the most interesting in this story - the results of studies such exotic way of sharpened blades. Photographed through a microscope and spectral analysis showed that its structure is restored by introducing an additional mass of the metal, and it is from the same deposit, where ore is mined, containing the basic metal blade. This is all very reminiscent of the well-known for fantastic plots teleportation - instantaneous displacement of a material object from one point to another.


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